Cave paintings of Wandjinas – celestial beings

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 2027

Report Date: 01/11/2017

Country: Australia

Place: Kimberley Range

Fingerprints: Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Book

Summary Report: 

The Wandjinas are, according to Australian Aboriginal Mythology, cloud and rain spirits. The ancient Aborigines depicted the Wandjinas in their rock art in Australia. Some of these depictions, according to experts, date back to approximately 4000 years ago. The Wandjina paintings have common colurs of black, red and yellow on a white background. The beings are depicted alone or in groups and are sometimes also depicted with other mythological figures like the Rainbow Serpent (see POI: “Legends and Mysteries of the Aborigines Australia”). The beings are also depicted with large upper bodies and heads that may show big black eyes and small nose, but typically no mouth. Around the heads of the Wandjinas are lines or blocks of color, depicting lighting coming out of transparent helmets.

Interesting about these rock art depictions is the fact that they can be found all over the world and often do show, not exactly the same depictions, but nevertheless very similar representations. Erich von Däniken writes about this in his Book “Die Steinzeit war ganz anders”: “… Whether in Australia, Toro Muerto, Peru, where tens of thousands of petroglyphs lie, or the Italian Val Camonica, whether on the Karakorum Highway, Pakistan, or on the Colorado Plateau of the USA, whether in Paraiba, Brazil, or in southern Japan, the same symbols and figures appear again and again. Now I do not want to deny – who could – that from place to place typically local representations were also always carved, which do not exist elsewhere – nevertheless the mystery of the commonalities remains. With Stone Age people, no matter where they lived, hunting scenes are probably always depicted, and also the sun, the moon, circles, stick figures, palms or drawings from agriculture belong to everyday life. It only becomes curious when figures are given the same attributes in unison, as if a bush drum had carried the vibrations over all continents: The “gods” are those with the rays! These “gods” are in most cases bigger than the usual human figures. Their head is always decorated with a “halo”, from which rays emanate. Then again, ordinary people are shown at a respectful distance from the “gods”, kneeling, lying on the ground or holding up their hands…”.

What did our ancestors try to depict in their rock art all around the world? Why do many depictions around the world show very similar beings or events? Why do many of the images clearly show non-human beings with strange attributes like halos and rays emanating from them?


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Video:  History Channel Ancient Aliens,01/25/2019, 07/11/2016,,
Details of Book:  Die Steinzeit war ganz anders,Erich von Däniken,Kopp Verlag,05/01/2012


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