Midad del Mundo – Center of the Earth, Ecuador

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 2052

Report Date: 01/11/2017

Country: Ecuador

Place: Mitad del Mundo

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article

Summary Report: 

La Mitad del Mundo (The Center of the World) is an equator monument in San Antonio de Pichincha in the Ecuadorian province of Pichincha. The monument is located about 23 kilometers north of the capital Quito and marks the place where, in 1736, Charles Marie de La Condamine with a French expedition was the first European to determine an exact position of the equator. In times of GPS, however, it has turned out that the true equator is located about 240 meters north of the monument.

By pure chance, a paraglider pilot discovered the remains of a structure from the pre-Inca period near the Mitad del Mundo on Mount Catequilla, which is supposed to mark the equator more precisely and was built more than 1000 years ago (circa 800 AD). Today, Monte Catequilla is an archaeological site in the Pomasqui Valley of Ecuador and is located on a mountaintop about 300 metres above valleys on either side. Attributed to the Pre-Columbian era Quitu-Cara culture, it was presumably used as an astronomical observatory even before the arrival of the Incas. Catequilla is translated from Quechua and means “follower of the moon”. Catequilla is the only prehispanic site in the Americas that is located precisely at the Earths Equator.

How can it be that such an ancient culture was able to determine the exact location of the Earth s Equator if even an expedition from 1736 was not able to do so with such precision?

Google Streetview: Google Streetview


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  wikipedia.org wikipedia.org,01/01/2000, 01/01/2000,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciudad_Mitad_del_Mundo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catequilla


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