Geometrical Greece

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 2136

Report Date: 01/12/2017

Country: Greece

Place: Ancient Cities

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Scientific whitepaper

Summary Report: 

All ancient cities in Greece are ling under a over dimensional geometrical grid. All the cities are distanced in the golden section. Another curiosity is: When you take a Greek map and a compass – stick the center of the compass in a old city/archaeological place, the arm on an other – turn the circle and you will find at least one other ancient place on the circles line….


Facts Source Details:
Details of Scientific Whitepaper:  The Invisible Harmony of the Greek World and the Apocryphal Geometry of the Greeks, Theophanes, M. Manias, 01/01/1969


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