Cavepaintings and petroglyphs in caves and grottos in Bahia, Brazil

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 5439

Report Date: 03/11/2020

Country: Brazil

Place: Caves and grottos in the state of Bahia in Brazil

Fingerprints: Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction, Extra terrestrial traces

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet article, Magazine

Summary Report: 

Edison Boaventura Jr. , researcher and president of the “Grupo Ufologica de Guaruja” discovered many interesting cave-paintings and petroglyps throughout the country of Brazil and wrote about it in a detailed article in the magazine “Sagenhafte Zeiten No. 5/2012”. Many of these cave-paintings and petroglyphs seem to depict extraterrestrial beings or ufos. There are many similarities between the depictions of worldwide cave-paintings and petroglyphs.

The great mystery of these petroglyphs lies in the fact that no one can say with certainty what our ancient ancestors wanted to illustrate with the pictorial representations of these mysterious beings. Where did our ancestors get the inspiration to depict these beings? What did they want to tell us?


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Sarah Cascone,05/24/2014,
Details of Magazine:  Sagenhafte Zeiten Issue No. 5/2012,Edison Boaventura Jr.,A.A.S. GmbH, Forschungsgesellschaft für Archäologie, Astronautik und SETI GmbH,09/01/2012


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