Carved Stone Balls

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 5475

Report Date: 04/25/2020

Country: United Kingdom

Place: Towie Aberdeenshire Scotland

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced technology, Other unexplained phenomenal occurence

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Book

Summary Report: 

These petrospheres date back to 3.500-1.500 B.C., 450 of them have been found so far, most of them in Scotland, Aberdeenshire. Their size is about 7cm in diameter, so they fit in the palm of a hand. Although the stone balls have nearly the same size, the design and material varies widely. There are carved stone balls that have nearly no decoration, some have knobs and others are highly decorated.
The most elaborate is the Towie Stone, it is decorated with sacred symbols such as spirals. Some of the stones are made out of very hard material such as diorit, some are made out of sandstone, which is good to work on. There are many ideas about their purpose, reaching from hunting projectiles, weights, oracles, status icons and so on. A very interesting idea is that they could represent the 5 platonic solids (Keith Critchlow Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science). They could have been used to study spherical geometry. Or could these stones be charged (different material) and used to measure telluric energy or used as healing stones? Could the different spirals symbolise different telluric currents? So much questions and till now, no answer. It remains a mystery.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Video:  Hugh Newman,01/01/2019,
Details of Book:  Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science,Keith Critchlow,Floris Books,01/01/2007
Other Facts Details: 

Mysterious Geometric Stone Spheres of Ancient Scotland & Orkney | Hugh Newman | Megalithomania


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