Dyatlov Pass Incident – Gora Otorten

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 885

Report Date: 08/06/2016

Country: Russia

Place: Otorten Mountain, Dyatlova Pass

Fingerprints: Extra terrestrial traces, Other unexplained phenomenal occurence

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…)

Summary Report: 

February 1959, a group of 9 young mountaineers embark on a wintertrek into Russias Ural-Mountains. There destination, a mountain called “Otorten” which in the local Mansi-Language means “Do not go there!”. On their 4th Night out, bad weather forces the hikers to camp atop an area called “Kholat Syakhl” which in Mansi translates to “The Mountain of the Dead”. In this very cold and harsh environment, they decided to spend the night of february the 1st in an open area, not to far away from the top of the mountain.
10 Days later, when the 9 adventurers failed to show up at their destination, military rescue teams search the area.
At first, they found the tent of the hikers, cut open with knifes from the inside. Something was pushing them to run away, without any clothes or supplies. The investigators follow the trail to the edge of the forest and found all 9 hikers dead! Their bodies were mutilated in very strange ways. They were burned, radiated, poisoned, prematuraly aged, their skin had turned orange, their hair had turned gray. Some of them had internal injuries and one of them was missing his tongue.
An unknown force had hit the hikers, it was very selective in hitting only the hikers, leaving untouched the snow, the trees and everything else around.
Years later, members of the search-party spoke out. According to their testimony, at the time of the incident, strange orange spheres or orbes were seen floating in the sky. These obervations were from local people who saw some unidentified flying objects during the night, the hikers died.

Some scientist claim that it was an unexpected avalanche but the scientists also admit that, this theory does not explain all the facts and the incident still remains a great mystery. There are also many other theories about the Dyatlov Pass Incident but so far, the mysterie is still unsolved.

There are other very mysterious deaths of groups of hikers in the russian territory like the “Chivruay Pass incident in 1973” or the “Hamar-Daban pass incident in 1993”.
Are these mysterious cases somehow connected?


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  wikipedia.org wikipedia.org,,https://dyatlovpass.com/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident
Details of Internet Video:  LEMMiNO LEMMiNO,11/08/2019, 01/21/2020, 08/04/2016,https://youtu.be/NYzCo3IDm1E, https://youtu.be/Ee8iLRVOHDw, https://youtu.be/Y8RigxxiilI


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