Breakthrough Listen Project will follow up on possible Alien laser beacon detections but think it is most likely instrument or analysis error

Independent follow-up observations to verify the unusual Light emissions observed by the sloan digital sky survey (sdss).
Independent follow-up observations to verify the unusual Light emissions observed by the sloan digital sky survey (sdss).

Breakthrough Listen at UC Berkeley will conduct follow up observations of reported anomalous spectral features (234 stars out of 2.5 million with unusual light emissions observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)) in solar type stars.
The Berkeley SETI Research Center (BSRC) team has added several stars from the Borra and Trottier sample to the Breakthrough Listen observing queue on the 2.4-meter Automated Planet Finder (APF) optical telescope. The capabilities of the APF spectrograph are well matched to those of the original detection, and these independent follow-up observations will enable us to verify or refute the reported detections. they look forward to consulting with Professor Borra and his team on these observations, as well as additional follow up investigations using other data sources. Read more