Great Godess Figurines and Vessels

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 1984

Report Date: 01/11/2017

Country: Bulgaria

Place: Kapitan Andreewo

Fingerprints: Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction, Other unexplained phenomenal occurence

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article

Summary Report: 

Already discovered in 2012 – 2013, but not made public until now, there was an elaborate excavation near the town of Kapitan Andreewo in Bulgaria where a large, late neolithic religious complex was found. The archaeological team came across a total of 482 different structures dating back from the late Neolithic to the middle ages. The discoveries were made on a plot with an area of 600 square meters.
The discoveries were made by a team led by Prof. Vasil Nikolov and assist. Prof. Victoria Petrova, with Tanya Hristova and Peter Leshtakov as their deputies, all of them, archeologists from the National Institute and Museum of Archeology in Sofia.
However, the most intriguing findings were the objects and artefacts on the archeological site, namely strange figurines and vessels which have a great similaty to other extraterrestrial looking artefacts that have been found on other locations around the globe. Especialy the huge, almond-shaped eyes and very thin and small nose. There are strange mythological symbols carved onto the Objects as well.

Here we have to same questions like with many other figurines created by ancient cultures like the japanese Dogu-figurines, the figurines of the Vinca culture or the figurines of the ancient chinese Sanxingdui culture and many others. What inspired the artisans and craftsmen of ancient cultures to create figurines that look so strange to our modern eyes? Did they encounter such beings in reality or did they probably see these beings in dreams or drug induced states? No one knows for sure but it s very intriguing that we can find similar figurines and depictions in ancient cultures around the globe.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Vassil Nikolov,12/20/2016, 01/01/2015,,


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