Underwater structures near Yonaguni

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 2365

Report Date: 02/03/2018

Country: Japan

Place: Yonaguni south-east coast

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Videos that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet article, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Book, Magazine

Summary Report: 

The Yonaguni Monument, a rock formation also known as the Underwater Pyramids of Yonaguni, is located in the extreme southwest of Japan, near Yonaguni Island in the East China Sea, little more than 100 kilometers from Taiwan. In 1985, Japanese diver Kihachiro Aratake discovered strange rock formations while searching for new diving sites for tourists. After a closer look, he believed that the stone formation had been carved by human hands. In his opinion, the precise edges and angles are an indication for this.

Professor Masaaki Kimura from the Ryukyu University in Japan, has been researching the Yonaguni Monument for decades. According to him, it was a man-worked rock formation that was above sea level just over 8000 years ago. Since the accurate terraced design and even layout of the Yonaguni formation would have been underwater since the end of the Ice Age, this would indicate an anthropogenic origin, so the building culture would have existed some 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. For Kimura, the monument off the Japanese coast would be the oldest structure in the world, the stage-like plateau evidence of a sunken advanced civilization.

In his book “Wozu sind wir auf der Erde” Erich von Däniken writes the following about underwater structures like those of Yonaguni: “… As everyone recognizes, huge white spots exist on the map of research, but far and wide no university is dedicated to them. No archaeological textbook reports about the megalithic buildings under water. Yet they exist in all the oceans of the earth. The underwater harbor of Lixus (Morocco) is just as much a fact as underwater structures near the island of Malta in the Mediterranean or those of Yonaguni in the southern Pacific near Japan. The polar ice caps are said to have melted for the last time about 10,700 years ago – so the underwater structures should be at least as old. They were built before the sea level rose. And this globally…”.

First of all, there are similar questions with this monument as with many ancient buildings and structures namely, how and why was the structure carved out of the stone? In addition, the following question, why does science have trouble recognizing this object as possibly man-made? The dating of about 10,000 – 12,000 years ago is also recognized in Göbekli Tepe and it is also known that the place where Yonaguni was built was not below sea level before that time.

Google Streetview: Google Streetview

Links: https://archivapp.sagenhaftezeiten.com/de/profiles/ae8c0f8191ae/editions/4d05ddd72a45adf62af3/pages/page/14

Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Japan Endless Discovery,,https://www.japan.travel/de/spot/564/
Details of Internet Video:  Simply Scuba,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYBJnX9AHOg
Details of Book:  Unmögliche Wahrheiten,Erich von Däniken,Kopp Verlag,11/01/2013
Details of Magazine:  SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN – 4/2020 – Portrait of Prof. Dr. Masaaki Kimura (German), SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN – 2/2018 – Ancient Astronauts im antiken Japan (German),Gottfried Bonn,A.A.S. Research organisation in the Magazine SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN (Legendary times), A.A.S. Research organisation in the Magazine SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN (Legendary times),08/01/2020, 04/01/2018


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