The mysterious AIUD-Object

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 2530

Report Date: 02/04/2018

Country: Romania

Place: Originally found close to Aiud

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Magazine

Summary Report: 

This technical looking like object was found in 1973 – In 10 meters dept of a sand bank on the Mures river in Romania in a gravel pit. It was caked together with a Mastodon bone and a tooth. These animals died out approximately 10 000 years ago. Two laboratories have analysed the elements of the object and found out that it consists of 94-97% of aluminium. We know how to produce and work aluminium since 200 years. What it could be still resists a mystery.

Google Streetview: Google Streetview


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Video:  History Channel Ancient Aliens,11/30/2019,
Details of Magazine:  Der Aluminiumkeil von Aiud,Mirko Schaerrer,SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN No. 01/2020,02/01/2020
Other Facts Details: 

– The Youtube video is from the famous TV-Show Ancient Aliens with Erich von Däniken and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos researching the mysterious AIUD-Object.

Several articles in SAGENHAFT ZEITEN magazine since 2010.


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