Hathor temple complex with carving of a light bulb in a krypta in the base

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 5415

Report Date: 01/17/2020

Country: Egypt

Place: Dendera

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Book, Magazine

Summary Report: 

The so-called “bulbs of Dendera” are representations of unusual objects on some reliefs in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. The murals are located in an eastern side chamber on the first floor, as well as in a basement room (South Crypt). The walls in these chambers are full of hieroglyphs and depictions of different subjects. In the left chamber you can find a depiction of two objects which do indeed look like light bulbs. Palaeoseti experts argue that the objects depicted on the reliefs are light bulbs and that this is proof of the existence of knowledge and use of artificial electricity production already in Ancient Egypt. There are many ancient depictions, scripts, objects and arguments that support this thesis and some researchers, like Reinhard Habeck, have even reconstructed these light bulbs and they do indeed work!

One of the depictions in Dendera, that could support the thesis of the light bulbs and electricity in ancient times, shows an object which egyptologists call “Djed-Pillar”. What is a “Djed-Pillar”? In his Book “Die Augen der Sphinx” Erich von Däniken writes the following about the “Djed-Pillar”: “… The scholars, who should actually know, stand rather helplessly before these reliefs in the narrow, lightless room in Dendera. One speaks of a “cult room”, a “library”, of “archives” and of “storage-rooms for the storage of cult objects”. A “storage-room” or a “library” accessible only through a dog hole? Simply ridiculous! Even with the representation on the walls, the experts are still stumped. What is this, a “Djed pillar”? Egyptologists have made many interpretations of the “Djed pillar” e.g. a symbol of permanence, a symbol of eternity, a prehistoric fetish, a defoliated tree, a notched pole, a fertility sign, an ear of corn, etc. The palaeoseti researchers Krassa and Habeck, more committed to reason, see it as an insulator. Why not? Already in the Old Kingdom there were own priests of the “venerable Djed”, even the main god Ptah was called “venerable Djed”. In Memphis there was even a specific ritual for the “erection of the djed pillar”, which was performed by the king himself with the help of priests. A djed pillar was not a common thing. Only those in the know were allowed to handle it. Such pillars were already found under the oldest pyramid, that of Djoser in Sakkara. The Djed pillar illustrates such obviously misunderstood technology that even the deaf can see it and the blind can feel it. How did the prophet Isaiah say in the Old Testament? “… and their eyes they keep closed, that they may not see with their eyes …”. On the walls of the crypt under Dendera, a secret science is celebrated: namely that of electricity…”.

Another one of the previously mentioned objects is the so-called Baghdad- or Parther- Battery which was originally discovered by Wilhelm König during excavations and is dated to around 200 – 300 AD. The Baghdad battery is a vase-shaped clay vessel about 14 centimeters high, whose largest diameter is about 8 centimeters. It contains a copper cylinder with a diameter of 26 millimeters, closed at the lower end and about 9 centimeters long. In this cylinder, held by a kind of plug made of asphalt (bitumen mass), was a strongly oxidized rod of iron. Its upper end protruded about 1 centimeter beyond the plug and was covered by a yellow-gray oxidation layer. Wilhelm Königs information about the construction and suitability of the Baghdad- or Parther- battery as a galvanic cell was confirmed in 1962 by Walter Winton, historian at the Science Museum London.

There are still questions surrounding the lightbulbs of Dendera. If we assume that the ancient egyptians knew electricity and the technology of lightbulbs, Where did the ancient Egyptians get this knowledge and how were they able to use it and build and use such extraordinary objects like lightbulbs and batteries?

Google Streetview: Google Streetview

Links: https://archivapp.sagenhaftezeiten.com/de/profiles/ae8c0f8191ae/editions/b5ba04309970e07039d9/pages/page/8

Facts Source Details:
Details of Book:  The eyes of the Sphinx, Das Licht der Pharaonen, Die Augen der Sphinx,Erich von Däniken,Berkley, Ullstein Verlag, Kopp Verlag,03/01/1996, 01/01/1994, 05/01/2012
Details of Magazine:  SAGENHAFTE ZEITEN – 02/2018,Reinhard Habeck,A.A.S. Research Organisation, Switzerland,04/01/2018
Other Facts Details: 

Das Licht der Pharaonen, Co-author Reinhard Habeck


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