Dolmen Rügen

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 5899

Report Date: 07/12/2021

Country: Germany

Place: Lancken-Granitz

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced astronomical knowledge

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Official Site in the Lancken-Granitz municipality on Rügen, northern Germany

Summary Report: 

54 megalithic tombs are still standing on the island of Rügen (Baltic Sea). Only 54 of originally at least 254 tombs have stand the face of time. Rügen itself has a long history of settlement, it was the gateway to the north and it´s amber was eversince a very rare and precious good to trade with. Therefore one can find many traces of the past and also one of the highest concentration of megalithic tombs in Germany. Dolmen were built between 3.500 – 1.500 B.C., this culture of megalithic builders lasted 2.000 years! Most of the tombs are built out of hughe granite boulders (high quarzkristall content) which were remains of the last ice age. The construction consists of smaller standing stones which carry large cap stones weighing up to 10t. A lot of the granite boulders were flattened on one side, finally the stones were covered with an earth mound. How did they move, carve and transport these massive boulders? We have to overthink our view towards the neolithic people. They were able to plan and organize such projects, furthermore they knew about the celestial movements and aligned the tombs to special days of the year (equinoxes, solstices). In some constructions the megalithic yard can be detected ( 0,83m), it was a standard measure used all over europe in the neolithic. Not only the stones overlast time a lot of myths and legends are passed down up till today, some of the stones are supposed to have healing powers. For the neolithic people these megalithic structures were holy places and death was not the end of life it was a part of it.


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