Delphi – Apollos place

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 655

Report Date: 07/20/2016

Country: Greece

Place: Delphi

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology, Ancient historical records of advanced technological knowledge, Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction

Existing Facts Sources: Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Book

Summary Report: 

Apollo on his travels around our globe, found settled people here. He teached them building houses and streets on the steep slope here. Also he brought agriculture and civilisation.

In pre-historic times, the Greek Delphi was considered to be the “center” or “the navel of the world”.
As a visible sign of the “navel of the world” the Omphalos was placed there, a marvelous block of marble decorated with sculptures, crowned by two golden eagles. Some specialists see them representing two emissaries of Zeus, the father of the gods. One legend report, that Zeus sent out the two eagles in opposite directions. Where they came back together again, was the center of the world: Todays Delphi.

All of Delphi was dedicated to Apollo. Apollo on his travels around our globe, found settled people here. He teached them building houses and streets on the steep slope here. Also he brought agriculture and civilisation. He was not only the son of Zeus, but also the god of light and prophecy. In addition, Apollo acted as a healer, one of his most famous sons was Asclepius, today still the “heavenly protector” of all physicians.
This Apollo, also was enormous powerful and martial. Except of his father Zeus, he feared no one. He often supported the Trojans in their battles and protected the streets – from the air. Apollos best known surname is “Lykeios” – god of light. Could this be an indication to his flying machine?
The astonishing thing about Apollo is that even the ancient Greeks did not know where he originally came from. Even today, academic mythologists argue about whether Apollo came to the Greeks from the north or the east. The only thing that is undisputed is that Apollo flew to a mysterious place every year for a few weeks. To the land of the Hyperboreans, who lived “beyond the north wind”.

Many legends and myths surround the sacred place. However, we want to focus here on Delphi as a component of a superordinate geometrical system. A fact, which is not officially discussed. Since Stone Age, these historical places are connected to each other. But mostly, you cant see with naked eyes from one point to the other…
The discoverer of these curious geometrical connections was the Greek Air Force Brigadier Dr. Theophanis M. Manias, who – like the Dane Preben Hansson – as a pilot stumbled over the similar distances and straight flight paths. (See also Preben Hansson, “Line Delphi to Trelleborg” in the sources).

Some examples, you can check:

Delphi is equidistant from the Acropolis and from Olympia. This results in an isosceles triangle Acropolis-Delphi-Olympia. On the cathetus of Delphi is also Nemea. From here new triangles Nemea-Delphi-Olympia and Acropolis-Delphi-Nemea result. They have the same hypotenuses and their relation to the common line Delphi-Nemea is in the golden section. A vertical line drawn through Delphi to the straight line Delphi-Olympia intersects the oracle of Dodoni. This results again in a right triangle with the points Delphi-Olympia-Dodoni, where the line Dodoni-Olympia is the hypotenuse. The cathets of this triangle are in the ratio of the golden section. The distance Delphi-Dodoni is equal to the greater part of the Golden Section (62 percent) of the distances Dodoni-Athens and Dodoni- Sparta etc. etc. Logically, this also results in circular lines with the same circle centers.

Examples, which everyone with a compass on a Greek map can reconstruct: Circle center Knossos: On the circle line are also Sparta and Epidauros. Circle center Taros: On the circle line are also Knossos and Chalkis.

No more coincidences!

The distance of the cult places Delphi-Epidauros corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Epidauros- Delos – namely 62 percent.
The distance Olympia-Chalkis corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Olympia-Delos – namely 62 percent.
The distance Delphi-Theben corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Delphi-Athens – namely 62 percent.
The distance Sparta-Olympia corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Sparta-Athens – namely 62 percent.
The distance Epidauros-Sparta corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Epidauros-Olympia – namely 62 percent.
The distance Delos-Eleusis corresponds to the greater part of the Golden Section of the distance Delos-Delphi – namely 62 percent.
The distance Knossos-Delos corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Knossos-Chalkis – namely 62 percent.
The distance Delphi-Dodoni corresponds to the greater part of the Golden Section of the distance Delphi-Athens – namely 62 percent.
The distance Delphi-Olympia corresponds to the greater part of the golden section of the distance Olympia-Chalkis – namely 62 percent.

Manias, Theophanis N.: The Invisible Harmony of the Ancient Greek World and the Apocryphal Geometry of the Greeks, Athen 1969.
Hansson, Preben: Und sie waren doch da, München 1990.

Google Streetview: Google Streetview


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Video:  Erich Däniken, von,01/01/1993,
Details of Book:  Im Namen von Zeus, Die Steinzeit war ganz anders, Odyssey of the Gods, The Invisible Harmony of the Ancient Greek World and the Apocryphal Geometry of the Greeks, Und sie waren doch da,Preben Hansson,Kopp Verlag, Kopp Verlag, Red Wheel Wiser, Athens, München,04/01/2015, 05/01/2012, 01/01/1969, 01/01/1990


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