Davies radar approved UFO sighting off shores Korea

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 7182

Report Date: 02/23/2023

Country: South Korea

Place: Busan, Southkorea

Fingerprints: Extra terrestrial traces, Military approved UFO cases

Existing Facts Sources: Book

Summary Report: 

Richard L. Thompson was an outstanding reasercher in the fields of UFO studies, which are based on facts. In his book „Alien Identities“ in 1993 on page 87 he describes a profound UFO encounter incident, which has been proven with testimonies from the military crew and pilots and radar monitorings, which cant be explained by radar anomalies due to atmospheric conditions for instance. This UFO encounter case he studied has been reported in the book of Richard Hall „The UFO evidence“ which narrates reported UFO cases in the fifties from the military of the U.S of NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena).

Here is an excerpt of the case described in the book „Alien Identities“ from Richard L. Thompson:

„An example of a UFO sighting limited strictly to radar occurred off the shores of Korea in the fall of 1951. Lt. Cmdr. M.C. Davies had an encounter with a UFO while deplloyed with an Anti-Submarine Squadron aboard a CVE class carrier. The incident occurred while he was flying at nicht at 5000 feet.

He picked up a target, which had been circling the fleet, on his radar scope. Upon leaving the fleet, it took up a position behind his wingman, flying about 3 miles astern, and held about the same position relative to Daviess plane as the wingman. The ship also reported the target on their radars. After approximately 5 minutes, the target left at a speed of over 1000 mph and was observed on the radar scope by Davies out to 200 miles, the maximum range of his radar. After his flight, Davies learned that the target had been held for about 7 hours, then trail a plane for 5 minutes, and then fly off at a high speed.“

In the unclassified report „Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena“ of the „OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE“ published at the 25th June in 2021, five explanations are described which would be responsible for the phenomenon of UAPs, namely these are: „airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin.“ What if under the last category also extra terrestrial encounters are a realilty and extra terrestrials really exist, flying their space ships around our world? After all many UAPs or UFO sightings have been made from credible sources as entire military crews, proven with their sophisticated equipment and wittnessed live with their own eyes, which would prove that their equipment didnt fail due to any technological anomalies and also certainly no technology on earth from another country has achieved this capabilities nor did any natural atmospheric phenomena occur.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Book:  Alien Identities,Richard L. Thompson,Govardha Hill Publishing,01/01/1993


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