
Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 442

Report Date: 07/15/2016

Country: Mexico

Place: Teotihuacan, near Mexico City

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology, Traces of ancient advanced astronomical knowledge

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article, Book

Summary Report: 

Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located in a sub-valley of the Valley of Mexico, which is located in the State of Mexico, 40 kilometers northeast of modern-day Mexico City. Teotihuacan is known today as the site of many of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids built in the pre-Columbian Americas, namely the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon and the Temple of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl. The name Teotihuacan is an Aztec word which means “the place where one becomes a god”.

There are many mysteries to be found in Teotihuacan for example, Researcher Peter Tompkins is cited in EvDs Book “Der Tag an dem die Götter kamen”: “… Teotihuacan has been shown to be a single, large, stone “cosmic model,” a representation of our solar system. The American researcher Peter Tompkins proved amazing connections between the cult buildings and the starry universe…” and further: “… Teotihuacanos lore says that there was a meeting of the gods in Teotihuacan where they discussed about the people. It also tells of the stone markers around Teotihuacán and that this was all done “by the hands of the gods.” Wise from experience, I explicitly point out that I am not claiming that the “gods” built Teotihuacan but rather the inhabitants of the Mexican plateau, who accomplished amazing feats of construction at an altitude of almost 2400 meters, before whose still imposing ruins we stand in amazement. But the Indians did not take on the sheer superhuman effort for the pleasure of the work. They toiled because the “god” who ruled their existence, who had once come from heaven like a “feathered serpent,” had demanded and planned it that way.”.

Another great mystery was found in the underground of Teotihuacan. Mexican archeologists found huge tunnels in front and below the Quetzalcoatl-Temple. These tunnels were filled with earth and a small robot discovered megalithic blocking stones. In 2016 Sergio Gomez, an archaeologist from Mexico s National Institute of Anthropology and History, discovered traces of liquid mercury in three chambers under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid in the ancient city of Teotihuacan.

All these discoveries in Teotihuacan lead to intriguing questions: How could the ancient Teotihuacanos know about the structure of our solar system and replicate it accurately in the placement of their buildings? How did this ancient culture know the chemical process of creating liquid mercury and what was it ultimately used for in these underground chambers?

Google Streetview: Google Streetview


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Zach Zorich,01/01/2016,https://www.archaeology.org/issues/200-1601/features/3958-mexico-teotihuacan-mercury
Details of Book:  Was ist falsch im Maya Land, Der Tag an dem die Götter kamen,Erich von Däniken,Kopp Verlag, Kopp Verlag,08/01/2011, 04/01/2015


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