The hopi eagle dancer crop circle

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 6841

Report Date: 06/21/2022

Country: United Kingdom

Place: Uffcott Down, Wiltshire

Fingerprints: Other unexplained phenomenal occurence, crop circle

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Presentation

Summary Report: 

Many know the Kachina figures of the Hopi Indians. On July 25th, 2015 this bird pictogram has been discovered in England, Wiltshire, Uffcott Down, which reminds me and many others of a Kachina figure of the Hopi Indians. Its called “the hopi eagle dancer” within the crop circle community. Between the grain the young crop remained intact between the laid down grain standing. The small crop circle at the head hasnt been touched or trespassed. Also swirled laid down grain has been accomplised, which cannot be realized with any forgery techniques according to Dr. Horace Drew crop circle expert and many other crop circle experts. There exists a Hopi prophecy of the blue star Kachina: “When the blue star Kachina appears in the sky the fifth world will come into being…” The prophecy goes even further and speaks of a kind of return of the gods, as mystery researcher and bestseller author Erich von Däniken mentions frequently. A new era will begin according to this prophecy. Perhaps we are reminded of this Hopi prophecy.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Presentation:  Decoding Crop Circles,Exopolitics Sydney, Division of UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated,06/01/2017,Dr. Horace Drew


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