James Leininger’s memories of his past life

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 7364

Report Date: 05/21/2023

Country: United States

Place: Charlottesville, VA 22903, United States

Fingerprints: Human ability anomaly, Other unexplained phenomenal occurence, Reincarnation

Existing Facts Sources: TV documentary

Summary Report: 

James Leininger has memories of his past life as a military pilot (James M. Houston Jr.) of the U.S Air Force. He was able to remember many unexplainable at an early age between 3-5. Even as an adult he can remember still very good his air crash incident with his air plane in the war between the U.S and Japan.

His memories started as a child with repeating nightmares of his air crash. With 5-6 years old he knew all specifics about all air planes in the aviation museum without that he learned them from anywhere. Repeating patterns occured as he always had his nightmares, was drawing war scenes with ships and air planes or was playing with air planes and simulating air crashes. Once with 6 years old he explained his parents how to produce Napalm-bombs. He told his mother that in his last life he was an U.S Air Force pilot who died due to an air crash in the war between the U.S and Japan, where his air plane has been hit by the arms of the military of Japan over Iwo Jima in Japan. James was capable to write his name at a very young age and signed e.g his drawing with James 3, as he told his parents, he was the 3rd James. He remember also the name to the military boat of the U.S Air Force called “Natoma” or was also able to remember his friend Jack Larson by name, who was a U.S soldier as well.

His remembered details were verified as true. The boats name, the friends name and the air crash location over Iwo Jima have been proven true. Jack Larsons name was written in the logbook of Natoma back then, he was the arms system officer at the ship. At the battle of Iwo Jima only one single soldier died, his name was James M. Houston Jr.

This case been studied by Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the University of Virginia. Jim B. Tucker, M.D. is Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is Director of the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies, where he is continuing the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson with children who report memories of previous lives. A board-certified child psychiatrist, Dr. Tucker worked with Dr. Stevenson for several years before taking over the research upon Dr. Stevenson’s retirement in 2002 and collected around 2500 reincarnation cases around the world.

The question remains if reincarnation has to be regarded as proven upon this evidence, because tousands of other such similar cases exist, where children between 3-5 years old remember their last lifes. Especially in eastern regions of the world, where reincarnation is part of the belief-system as in Hinduism or Buddhism. Also would the theory of Karma make sence in this perspective, because our actions and reactions would last over a life time.

Links: https://med.virginia.edu/psychiatry/faculty/jim-b-tucker-md/

Facts Source Details:
Details of TV Documentary:  Surviving Death,Netflix,06/01/2021,Ricki Stern


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