
Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 6847

Report Date: 06/22/2022

Country: Egypt

Place: Abu Rawash

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced engineering-skills, Traces of ancient advanced technology

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…)

Summary Report: 

The base length of the pyramid, according to calculations by archaeologist Nabil M. Swelim, was 215 meters with a planned height of 107.5 to 150.5 meters. Thus, the Lepsius I pyramid was in the same order of magnitude as the Khafre pyramid or possibly even larger, which would make it the largest pyramid in Egypt so far. Whether the structure was to be completed as a stepped pyramid or whether it was planned to be a true pyramid with an exterior cladding is not clear. The pyramid was constructed of simple mud bricks without straw as filler around a large rock core. The courses of the bricks slope inward at 75°-76°, similar to the stone courses of the stepped pyramids of the 3rd Dynasty.

What makes this mighty pyramid a great mystery is the fact that archaeologists do not know exactly when it was built and by whom (it owes its enigmatic name to the Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who placed it first in his list of pyramids of Egypt). Also, no inscriptions or artifacts have been found that would allow a conclusion to be drawn about the builder. Since it is unique in its characteristics among the Egyptian pyramids, it cannot be easily placed in a context.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Antoine Gigal,06/21/2022, 01/01/2000, 01/01/2008,https://www.fischinger-blog.de/2022/06/groesser-als-die-cheops-pyramide-die-groesste-pyramide-aegyptens-die-keiner-kennt/, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepsius-I-Pyramide, https://www.gigalresearch.com/uk/publications-abu-rawash.php
Details of Internet Video:  Chuck cfapps7865,06/21/2022, 06/02/2019,https://youtu.be/VyHeMeTBKV4, https://youtu.be/Ud9JLBaxnKI


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