Dogon and their advanced astronomical knowlede

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 5579

Report Date: 02/04/2021

Country: Mali

Place: Falaise de Bandiagara

Fingerprints: Traces of ancient advanced astronomical knowledge, Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction

Existing Facts Sources: Book

Summary Report: 

The Dogon are an African ethnic group living in West Africa in eastern Mali, originally from northwestern Burkina Faso. The Dogon people currently number about 350,000. The Dogon now live at the western end of the Hombori Mountains on the cliffs of Bandiagara. The majority of the Dogon practice their own traditional religion with pronounced ancestor worship. They worship a deity called Amma as the creator god. A minority professes Islam or Christianity.

French ethnologist Marcel Griaule studied the Dogon ethnic group in Mali, West Africa, for two decades beginning in 1931. The extensive creation myths of the Dogon, which Griaule collected in mainly interpreted conversations with four high-ranking tribesmen, allegedly contain information about a strange companion of the star Sirius.

Concerning the Sirius star system the Dogon say that the star Sirius (in their language Sigu Tolo) is orbited by a smaller companion called Po Tolo. This companion moves on an oval orbit around Sirius, which is not in the center of this orbit but eccentric. Po Tolo needs 50 years to pass the orbit once and turns around itself once a year. When Po Tolo is close to Sirius, Sirius becomes brighter and when the distance is greatest, Sirius flickers and can appear as several stars. Po Tolo is the smallest star and the smallest thing imaginable for the Dogon. But at the same time it is so heavy that all humans would not be enough to lift it. A third member of the Sirius system is the star Emme Ya Tolo, which is slightly larger than Po Tolo but only a quarter as heavy. It orbits Sirius on a larger orbit and also once every 50 years.

The similarity of these descriptions to Sirius B and a possible Sirius C is all the more astonishing because none of it is visible to the naked eye. Numerous different speculations try to explain the origin of this alleged knowledge. (David H. Kelley et al: Exploring ancient Skies – an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy, Springer, New York 2005). Two main currents are found in popular literature: One view, represented mainly in Afrocentric literature, even sees the Dogon as the remnants of a once highly developed, scientific African civilization. Robert Temple, on the other hand, in his book The Sirius Mystery, suggested that extraterrestrial visitors from the Sirius system had provided the impetus for the rise of the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations some 5,000 years ago.

In his Book “Beweise” Erich von Däniken discloses further information about the Dogon and their star knowledge: “… 14 years after their first report Griaule and Dieterlen presented further material of the Dogon knowledge about the Sirius system in the book “The Pale Fox” (Le renard pale). From their protocols, they proved that Dogon astronomical knowledge extended far beyond the system already explored. Information about our solar system, about Jupiter and Venus was also handed down. The Dogon did not only handle the Sirius calendar, they also knew a solar calendar, they had a special agriculture agenda. It goes too far here to go into that as well. My point was to present the scientifically documented knowledge of the Dogon about the Sirius system. Actually – who can deny this? – they could not have this knowledge. This knowledge is centuries old, at no time did the Dogon possesse any optical-astronomical auxiliary tools, they did not have any algebraic arithmetic skills … and nevertheless, since ancient times, they deal with knowledge which we have just since 100 years…”.

In another Book from Erich von Däniken “Botschaften aus dem Jahr 2118” he adds: “… The celestial teacher of the Dogon was called Nomo and came from the constellation of Sirius. This Nomo also informed the Dogon about the Sirius system. He explained to them that Sirius was a double star (today: Sirius A + B) and that there were additional celestial bodies in the system (which are still unknown to our astronomers). Other South American tribes, among them the Inca and Warrao, even say that originally the people themselves had lived in the sky and that they had descended from time to time only to hunt here. Only later they would have settled here. However, they had been visited and instructed sporadically again and again by their heavenly ancestors. In the same direction go the reports of the Kogi Indians in Colombia. They live in the mountains on the Caribbean side of the country. Their original, heavenly teachers created the first humans, instructed them in all matters and still visit them today. They were also those teachers who, thousands of years ago, warned the people of a deliberate flood and ordered them to build ships. “And the priests, the elder brothers, all came down from heaven …”.

The knowledge of the Dogon amazes and baffles even today and many questions arise. How or from whom did the Dogon learn this knowledge in the deep past? Who was this heavenly teacher they called “Nomo”?


Facts Source Details:
Details of Book:  Un système soudanais de Sirius, Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence for Alien Contact 5, 000 Years Ago, Das unheilige Buch, Beweise, Exploring ancient Skies – an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy,David H. Kelley,Journal des Africanistes, Kopp Verlag, Kopp Verlag, Springer,01/01/1950, 10/01/1998, 10/01/2014, 04/01/2015, 01/01/2005


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