Zimbabwe Ariel School UFO Incident

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 6907

Report Date: 08/07/2022

Country: South Africa

Place: Ariel School, Ruwa, Zimbabwe

Fingerprints: Extra terrestrial traces, Mass UFO sighting, Alien abductees cases, Other unexplained phenomenal occurence

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…)

Summary Report: 

On September 16, 1994, there was a UFO sighting outside Ruwa, Zimbabwe. 62 students at the Ariel School aged between six and twelve claimed that they saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land on a field near their school. One or more creatures dressed all in black then approached the children and telepathically communicated to them a message with an environmental theme.

The children who witnessed the incident were interviewed by several professionals including Cynthia Hind, Tim Leach and Harvard University professor of psychiatry John Mack. Throughout the 1990s Mack had investigated UFO sightings and had a particular interest in the alien abduction phenomenon. According to the interviews of Hind, Leach and Mack, 62 children between the ages of six and twelve claimed to have seen at least one UFO. Not all of the children at the school claimed a sighting. The basic details of the sightings were quite consistent although not all the details were. One or more silver objects, usually described as discs, appeared in the sky. They then floated down to a field of brush and small trees just outside school property. Between one and four creatures with big eyes and dressed all in black, exited a craft and approached the children. At this point many of the children ran but some, mostly older pupils, stayed and watched the approach. According to Macks interviews the creature or creatures then telepathically communicated to the children an environmental message, before returning to the craft and flying away.

Two days prior to the incident at Ariel there had been a number of UFO sightings throughout southern Africa. There had been numerous reports of a bright fireball passing through the sky at night. Many people answered ZBC Radios request to call-in and describe what they had seen. Although some witnesses interpreted the fireball as a comet or meteor, it resulted in a wave of UFO mania in Zimbabwe at the time.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  PimpinPlaya6 Imgur,01/01/2000, 05/20/2022, 07/10/2021, 01/01/2022, 07/15/2022, 07/21/2021,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10833597/New-photos-imprints-left-UFO-spotted-Zimbabwe-1994.html, https://www.bbc.com/news/av/stories-57749238, https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/r58bbl/lisil_field_and_salma_siddick_from_the_ariel/, https://arielphenomenon.com/, https://imgur.com/gallery/yALWO9S
Details of Internet Video:  Lazy Masquerade,06/03/2022, 05/29/2021,https://youtu.be/q8pymWSKAPQ, https://youtu.be/qYSXmUfmew4?t=1066
Other Facts Details: 

Co-Author on the article on Mail Online was Chris Sharp.


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