The triple Julia Set crop circle appeared 2 nights after intensely bright objects have been sighted

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 6913

Report Date: 08/09/2022

Country: United Kingdom

Place: Windmill Hill, Wiltshire

Fingerprints: Other unexplained phenomenal occurence, crop circle

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Book

Summary Report: 

The triple Julia Set crop circle appeared on the 07.27.1996 shortly after the original Juliat Set crop circle in Stonehenge (appeareance on 07.08.1996). This triple Julia Set was extremely impressive with a 1000ft side to side or 120 Meters.

Linda Molton Howe describes it as one of the most astonishing crop cricles since the phenomenon of crop circles started. In the book of Freddy Silva “Secrets In The Fields: The Science And Mysticism Of Crop Circles” he narrates that just two nights before the crop circle appeared a group of people witnessed a display of unusual aerial maneuvers by intensely bright objects over the area.

Also Linda Molton Howe and Colin Andrews, both crop circle experts mention this phenomenal crop circle in there crop circle related books. With 194 circles which centers were laid differently, even in the smallest circles at the border, it makes this crop circle an incredible mystery which cant be explained by any natural phenomenon or man made labour.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Book:  Secrets In The Fields: The Science And Mysticism Of Crop Circles, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles, Crop Circles – Signs of Contact,Colin Andrews,Invisible Temple, Pioneer Printing, New Page Books,03/13/2013, 12/31/2000, 01/01/2003


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