Alien face with binary code the Crabwood crop circle

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 7168

Report Date: 02/20/2023

Country: United Kingdom

Place: England, Winchester, Crabwood

Fingerprints: crop circle

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article, Presentation

Summary Report: 

The world famous Alien Crabwood pictogram measuring about 300 feet x 200 feet in front of the BBC Winchester transmitter appeared in August 15th in 2002 in Crabwood, Winchester in UK has not been detected as fake or man-made by crop circle experts like Lucy Pringle, Dr. Horace Drew, Linda Moulton Howe or ufologist legend José Jaime Maussan Flota. A binary computer code using the 8-bit ASCII code for visualizing text letters has been used to encode a message. Paul Vigay a former director of the Independent Research Center for unexplained phenomena in Southsea, England and Msc PhD Eltjo H. Haselhoff, an independent researcher, decoded the message. The Message in English states:

“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN but still
time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We oPpose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING

Here are some factual filtered excerpts of Lucy Pringles report:
„Stephen Short from nearby Warnford, was in the field on the night of 21 August and fell into conversation with 3 young middle-aged women who were staying at the campsite the other side of the radio masts. They reported that during the night of Thursday 15 August, they had witnessed an amazing display of dancing lights over the field which kept darting about, spiralling down to the ground and then back up again; then going round in circles, then down and coming back up again before disappearing like a shooting star.“

„On Sunday 25 August, I had a telephone call from Marie Wakelam whose house, Crabtree Farmhouse borders onto the Crabwood field. When she telephoned me she had just returned from visiting the formation and had fallen into conversation with a family who had shown her stalks of wheat taken from inside the formation that were slightly singed and blackened. Marie thought this was curious as at about 11-11.30 pm on the evening of Thursday 15 August she had been surprised to smell a strong smell of burning, like a bonfire coming from the field. Her bedroom backs onto the field and her bedroom window was open at the time.“

„The lay in the Alien was one I had seen only once before, in the Chilbolton Face of 2001 it seemed as though the flattened, swirled crop around each standing tuft had been laid individually. A task that would surely be beyond the ability of man during the short hours of darkness at this time of year? None of the stalks were broken in either formation, they were bent at the base.“

„One noticeable aspect of the dish was that there no evidence of a single seed head missing from any of the standing clumps of wheat inside the circular shape . In order to construct a circle, it is likely that a person would stand at a central point holding a rope and his accomplice would hold the other end of the rope whilst describing the perimeter of the circle. In ripened crop, when the seed heads are heavy and hanging down against the stem, they are very fragile and any movement of a tightened rope stretching across the standing wheat will catch against the seed heads, flicking them off as it passes. I examined the circular dish minutely and did not find a single wheat stalk with a missing head.“

Feel free to visit Lucy Pringles homepage to read her reported case completely, the link is provided under links. There are still much more findings in this particular case. Also Dr. Horace Drew, Paul Vigay, Eltjo Haselhoff and many other crop circle related experts stated intriguing facts about this particular case. If the experts interpratations are true, and after all these persons seem credible and authoritative, we maybe should think really about the entire topic of crop circles and their messages as remarkable call up from other beings from other worlds and or dimensions.

Roger Holzer collected 33 facts about crop circles, which he presented in his presentation in 2017 in Suhl DE at the one day meeting of the A.A.S association:
1. half-bent grain, which according to the Merlin-1 project of the A.A.S. cannot be realized by humans.
2. straight grain from the surrounding field, which bends after being carried into the crop circle. This was a reproducible anomaly from the Merlin-1 project of the A.A.S.
3. accurately formed pictograms in Canola fields or corn and many other plant species, where with the known forgery techniques, no accurate shapes could be realized, as well as clear traces of human intervention would be evident.
4. compass needle anomalies, spinning within fresh pictograms or aligning themselves strangely, even vertically. This known phenomenon could be verified by the A.A.S project group Merlin-1.
5. pictograms that are created in a very fast time. Like e.g. the Julia Set at Stonehenge, where it would not be possible that humans could have created it in this short in such a short time.
6. the same recurring pictograms, which were not studied by humans, because the farmer has mowed the field before. This finding has been observed by Colin Andrews the first crop circle researcher.
7. undamaged grain and flowers, which would have been damaged by the trampling of the visitors according to physicist Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff and many crop circle researcher.
8. bent grain, which is not folded or broken according to physicist Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff and many crop circle researcher.
9. acoustic phenomena, observed or heard by many crop circle visitors as also investigated by Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado on site. They were able to record the acoustic signals. One can listen to the sounds in the Internet e.g. on Youtube.
10. most pictograms appear according to a visual statistic of Colin Andrews within an isosceles triangle in England between, Wantage in Oxfordshire, Winchester and Wiltshire. This area is also the territory of the observed UFO phenomena in England. According to a detailed analysis by the astronomer Prof. Gerald Hawkins, many of the
pictograms have diatonic relations.
12. the TLB crop circle research team, as well as Glenn Broughton have statistically analyzed that most pictograms originate over groundwater.
13. magnetic anomalies could be found with magnetometers, which were by 120% higher than usual and showed the same pattern as the pictograms according to a study by Colin Andrews.
14. so-called ghost crop circles, where the same pictogram reappears in the same place the next season because the new crop grows differently in the former place.
15. temporal anomalies of plants within pictograms, which show a rejuvenated growth stage compared to plants in the surrounding field according to Dr. Levengood from the TLB crop circle research team.
16. over 170% elongated apical nodes of plants also in standing remaining plants according to analyses by Dr. Levengood from the TLB crop circle Research team and Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff.
17. cellular alteration of plants by analyses of Dr. Levengood from the TLB crop circle research team.
18. impregnated magnetic material (meteorite dust) according to analyses by Dr. Levengood and Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff.
19. Exploded apical nodes showing internal genetic modification by Dr. Levengood of the TLB crop circle research team.
20. deformation of the crop heads according to Dr. Levengood from the TLB crop circle-research team and crop circle visitors.
21. insects fused with plants according to Dr. Levengoods analyses.
22. faster germination of grain according to Dr. Levengoods analyses.
23. radioactive isotopes contained according to analyses by Dr. Levengood.
24. up to 40% larger grain and roots according to observations by TLB crop circle research team.
25. electrostatic anomalies experienced by many crop circle visitors and analyzed by Dr.Hein analyzed.
26. failing electronic devices and electromagnetic anomalies at fake crop circles according to a study by Dr. Hein.
27. failing electronic devices experienced by many crop circle visitors and crop circle researchers.
28. discharges of batteries inside pictograms, even of brand new batteries were noted by crop circle researchers and visitors.
29. phenomenal light anomalies observed by many people, mostly light spheres that can shift or disappear abnormally fast.
30. many reports of people who had visions of a pattern or wished to see a crop circle or wished for a crop circle with a particular shape, which manifested shortly thereafter. There have also been various meditation groups that projected symbols, which actually appeared, e.g. in the meditation group of Dr. Steven Greer.
31. some crop circle visitors experienced physical healings inside authentic crop circles.
32. some crop circle visitors experienced physical healings inside fake crop circles.
33. many crop circle visitors and researchers had the a strange feeling to get observed within the pictograms.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Eltjo H. Haselhoff,08/16/2002, 08/19/2002,,
Details of Presentation:  Decoding Crop Circles,Exopolitics Sydney, Division of UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated,06/01/2017,Dr. Horace Drew


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