Seven Stone Houses

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 7179

Report Date: 02/22/2023

Country: Germany

Place: Walsrode/ Ostenholz

Fingerprints: Human ability anomaly

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet article

Summary Report: 

The seven stone houses, are a group of five large stone tombs on the Bergen-Hohne NATO military training area in the Lüneburg Heath in Lower Saxony. They have Sprockhoff numbers 806 to 810. Wikipedia


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Source Wikipedia,,
Other Facts Details: 

The legend of the seven stone houses

“According to a legend that is widely told in the Heidmark, the largest stone was thrown by the giant from Borg in a ‘Slenken’ (slingshot) from Elferdingen, where it lay by the ‘Orskarrn’, to the Seven Stone Houses. The two largest supporting stones of the largest tomb were put into the ‘pockets’ of his cloak by the giant. So the giant went to the stone tombs via Fallingbostel. Since the area was very sandy, the giant soon had his shoes full of sand. He poured it out at Fallingbostel, and that’s how Tut- and Weinberg came into being.”

– Hans Stuhlmacher: The Heidmark[11]

Source: Wikipedia


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