Medieval Painting in the Visoki Decani monastery depicting two UFOs

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 1696

Report Date: 11/06/2016

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

Place: Decani

Fingerprints: Ancient historical records of extra terrestrial interaction

Existing Facts Sources: Pictures that obviously proof advanced engineering-skills or any other anomaly or strange behaviour, Internet article, Internet video (Youtube, Vimeo…), Book

Summary Report: 

The UFO paintings on monastery Visoki Decani

The monastery Visoki Decani was built between 1327 and 1335 by the Serbian medieval king Stefan Decanski of Serbia and was dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord. The monastery is settled in the picturesque valley of the Bistrica river surrounded by the mountains and forests of the Prokletije mountain range It is the largest and best preserved medieval monastery in Serbia. During its turbulent history the Monastery was an important spiritual centre with developed artistic and intellectual activities. Although the monastery buildings suffered damage from the Turkish occupation, the church has been completely preserved with beautiful 14th century fresco paintings.

The main picture shows a fresco entitled “The Crucifixion of Christ” and was painted in 1350. Two objects with figures inside can be in the top left and top right of the fresco. Enlargements of these objects are shown above. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani monastery in Kosovo, Serbia. The angel top left shows a bright female personification while gesturing to the Sun. The opposite shows a dark personification on the other side of the Moon. This juxtaposition of light and dark, positive and negative, Yin and Yan is central to interpretation of picture as representing mans redemption through Christs death.

The meaing of the symbols in the picture are heavily debated in the scientific community and the true interpretation of these images is still very controversial.

Dragana Van de moortel-Ilic mentions in her research-paper that on the Serbian television Pink news broadcast of 7 December 2009, witnesses stated that they spotted unidentified flying objects in the sky above Novi Sad, resembling lights in the shape of triangles. The screen showed images of ‘the crew’ from the monastery Visoki Deani while the narrator quoted Miroslav Kostic, the president of the UFO association, claiming that many people saw these lights, yet nobody saw the crew of these flying objects. However, public enthusiasm for the idea that those images represent visitors from space has not yet diminished or disappeared.


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Andrei Tapalaga,01/01/2017, 07/02/2019, 02/18/2021,,,
Details of Internet Video:  Astronomy Live Astronomy Live,09/02/2016,
Details of Book:  Chariots of the Gods,Erich von Däniken,Bantam Books,01/01/1971


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