Dr. Rober Plot about ancient crop circles

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 6748

Report Date: 05/16/2022

Country: United Kingdom

Place: Stafford-Shire

Fingerprints: Other unexplained phenomenal occurence, crop circle

Existing Facts Sources: Document or report, Book

Summary Report: 

In a book written by Robert Plot in 1686 in England, entitled “The Natural History of Stafford-Shire” it is written about a man named Nicolae Lang-Bernhard, who was walking home in the afternoon of August 8, 1590, when he saw a group of people who possessed hooves instead of feet, dancing in a field before rising into the sky and disappearing. At the place where they had danced, a crop circle was formed, a crop circle that many people visited. Plot also reports that the farmer of the field was carried away by a whirlwind into another field. Colin Andrews and Stephen J. Spignesi write about this case in detail in their book “Crop Circles – Signs of Contact”.

Dr. Robert Plot was a serious natural scientist and professor at the university of Oxford. He was born on the 13th of December 1640 in Borden, Kent, England and died on the 30th of April 1696 in Sutton Barne, Borden. This man had no reason to make up a story, but rather was a credible person of authority, this makes this case a great mystery. Also no cropcircle fakers were active in these times. The yellow picture represents the shape of the crop circle formation.

Links: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Plot

Facts Source Details:
Details of Document or Report:  Kornkreise Referat, Roger Holzer, 11/09/2017
Details of Book:  Crop Circles – Signs of Contact,Colin Andrews,New Page Books,01/01/2003
Other Facts Details: 

Co Author of Crop Circles – Signs of Contact is Stephen J. Spignesi


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