The Mystery Airship Wave of 1896-1897

Picture of Mystery Real X-File ID: 7480

Report Date: 05/28/2023

Country: United States

Place: Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Fingerprints: Extra terrestrial traces, Mass UFO sighting

Existing Facts Sources: Internet article

Summary Report: 

The Mystery Airship Wave of 1896-1897 was a series of sightings of mysterious airships that occurred in the United States of America. The phenomenon began in November 1896 in California and spread to other states in the following months, particularly in the Midwest and the South of the country. During this time, numerous witnesses (over 10,000) became witnesses to a potentially extraterrestrial presence as mysterious airships floated across the sky.

The descriptions of these extraterrestrial airships are downright fascinating. They were described as gigantic, cigar-shaped, and zeppelin-like, far beyond the technologies known at that time. Even more astonishing were the reports of pilots or even extraterrestrial beings aboard these incredible vessels.

The media picked up on the phenomenon and reported extensively on it. There was a mixture of fascination and fear in the public as many people tried to find an explanation for the enigmatic airships. Newspapers were filled with speculation about their origin and purpose. Mainstream science was naturally perplexed and tried to dismiss the sightings as fiction or optical illusions. But how can so many independent witnesses and media reports be simply ignored? Are they all victims of mass hallucinations?

Some theories suggested that the airships originated from advanced technologies or extraterrestrial beings. Others believed that they were staged events or hoaxes. Despite intensive investigations, no definitive evidence for the existence of the airships or their origins could be found.

In April 1897, the unknown airship was sighted multiple times over Chicago. On April 12, the Chicago Times-Herald reported that newspaper vendor Walter McCann had taken two photos of the Phantom Airship flying at approximately 200 meters above the city in the presence of witnesses. As most newspapers were unable to print photographs at the time due to the state of printing technology, only a drawing of the aircraft was published. The original photographs taken by McCann are considered lost.

With the beginning of 1897, the sightings gradually diminished, and public interest waned. The Phantom Airship Wave became a mysterious chapter in the history of UFO sightings and remains an unsolved phenomenon to this day.

It is important to note that the accounts of the Phantom Airships come from a time when aviation technology was still in its infancy, and people had little experience with flying objects. Therefore, the exact origins and nature of the observed airships remain the subject of speculation and debate. What if these airships actually originated from extraterrestrial civilizations? Could the Phantom Airship Wave be evidence of extraterrestrial beings visiting in the past? The Phantom Airship Wave of 1896-1897 remains a fascinating mystery and a potential proof of extraterrestrial life and their interaction with humanity


Facts Source Details:
Details of Internet Article:  Tvwatch Wikipedia,02/18/2023,


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